USE PROMO CODE bfriday13 to receive 10% off all TeslaTronix Tesla coil products through Cyber Monday! Read more →

USE PROMO CODE bfriday13 to receive 10% off all TeslaTronix Tesla coil products through Cyber Monday! Read more →
The following 100MB 48 page PDF is a compilation of many old original Nikola Tesla news articles. Many of these articles are readily available on the internet, while others are much harder to come by! Please, download and share this PDF with everyone! Teslatronix Nikola Tesla News Article Compilation PDF (100mb) Read more →
Most errors in the cart system have been resolved. If you experience any issues with the checkout process, please reply to this page for more assistance. Read more →
Visit the store here! Most Kickstarter kits should be shipped by the end of the month (May) with the exception of the “complete” kits which need more special attention, and the delivery of these may extend into June. We are currently moving through shipments of 30-50 kits at a time. $100 backers and international kits will ship, or have shipped… Read more →
In this video we give a brief overview on the modifications we have to make to our stainless steel spheres to make them suitable top loads for our Tesla coils. Our stainless steel spheres have a near mirror finish, and will add a refined touch to any complete Tesla coil. Read more →