(A mirror of the response posted on overunity.com) First I would like to say hello to the members of this community. Teslatronix, has been quite busy lately and has had little time to deal with keeping up with correspondences and protecting his image / reputation. The Kickstarter project pointed out in this thread has taken up a lot of… Read more →
Author: admin

Vintage 1978 Mego 2-XL 8 Track Player Fix, How It Works, and Circuit Diagram
Please turn your annotations on when you watch this video. 1978 2XL commercial: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnAhaZ5vlg8 Read more →
HQ Photos of the 2500 Turn Tesla Tronix Tesla Coil Mockup
Here are some HQ photos of the latest 2500 turn Tesla Tronix slayer exciter Tesla coil prototype/mockup Read more →
Plasma Lightning From Slayer Exciter Tesla Coil
More cold weather testing for the slayer exciter Tesla coil. Using a ground wire (literally a wire leading to a steak freshly driven into the ground) we are able to excite some vicious white lightning plasma towards our slayer exciter Tesla coil. The ambient temperature in that shop was probably just slightly above the freezing point, as it was… Read more →
Towtruck driver attempts to steal prototype and other items
THANK YOU EVERYONE! WE WILL CONTINUE TO POST UPDATES AS NECESSARY! This video was actually made a couple days ago. Unfortunately, as I was driving home from the shoot, my car broke down and I had to abandon it until the next day due to the nor easter. To my surprise, I came back the next day to find my… Read more →